Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Some New Finished Items!
This is the beret I knit for myself as I don't seem to have any hats. Not that I need a hat bc I refuse to go outside. But just in case. Anyway, it's a pretty lace pattern in a very soft hand-dyed wool yarn in purples. Love it!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Super Fabulous Poetry Contest Prizes!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Stealing Christmas
Disaster in Browne's Addition!
Oops He Did It Again

Friday, December 26, 2008
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Lavs tries to cheat us
By calling BZ winner
It was no Haiku
Yes, Katie, your whinging paid off! Choose an ornament for your prize.
And Zaide, I'm still awarding you for "Joseph" because it just fills my heart with love. So let me know which ornament you want.
And as for the rest of you, sorry. Will run another contest sooner or later, because you have all revealed the poets within.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Best Gift EVER
Merry Christmas!

You Won't Believe It
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A Fave Picture
That Evil Genius, Lois

Complaints Already!

We Have A Winner

We 'Mis' You Too!
Happy Birthday, Baby!
Let's take a little trip in the Wayback Machine, and "listen to the story of a man (nick)named Fred":

Here's our little "Snitzy" age about 3 months. Yeah, he kind of looks like Bob Evans (or maybe even Sam Evans) but we still loved him.

School picture, posing with his trademark 'shirt buttoned all the way to the top'. Even on the hottest day of the summer, Tonsy believed in keeping it all buttoned up. Safety Sam! BTW, does he not look a LOT like Uncle Chuck in this pic?

Monday, December 22, 2008
Loving the Haiku!
The Fluther Haiku Contest

Snow falling gently
Burying my golden Kia
Where are my tire chains?
Tiny knitted pieces
Fall from my needles quickly
Now lost under chair
Christmas in three days
How did it come so quickly
Elves please wrap for me
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Ornament #16
Friday, December 19, 2008
Bring Em Home Week 10?
Will NOTHING move the two East Coasters back home???? I swear, I have tried every tactic I can think of to get their sorry asses back here. So now all I've got left in the bag o' tricks is Alex and Liam singing "Happy Song/Sad Song". I am sure they are singing the blues because Cara and Tony are SO far away and they no longer remember who they are. (JK they talk about you all the time, but mostly we all agree you two are way too far away and we might end up forgetting all about you. JK again, but I'm not above using emotional blackmail to get y'all back home).
You are missing all the shows the boys put on (like every day)!! Their show biz careers may depend on having a bigger audience than Gramma Laurie. GET HOME.
RJ's Christmas Stocking
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A Knitting Poem
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Snow for REALS!
Mr & Mrs S. Claus
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
We Heart Jon More Than Ever
We Visit the Elves!
Afterwards, we stopped by to see Santa. Liam asked for a violin (which he's been asking for for at least 2 years), which gave Santa a moment's pause; Santa said no one had ever asked for that. The next little kid totally stunned Santa when he asked for a dress! His mom said he 'liked to play dress up'. LOL it was hilarious, poor Santy didn't quite know what to say. He just handed out candy canes. And if you've got em, smoke em:
Monday, December 15, 2008
One More Reason We Heart Jon
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I'm Never Knitting This Either

Santa #2
Christmas Stockings
Hi Miss Priscilla!
I loved how the boys always called you MISS Priscilla, so cute! Of course, I don't get no respect, it is Laurie (or sometimes "I wish you weren't my babysitter" lol) with no Miss attached.
You would not believe how big the guys are getting, Miss. P! Mikey is quite the little man, the brothers cannot do anything without him.