Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pia's NYC Adventure!

Peeps is visiting New York City this weekend courtesy of the Smithsonian! Lucky girl got a free weekend to 'train' for her upcoming Honor Society group trip to DC over Spring Break.

She's seeing all the sites, of course. Her group saw "Legally Blonde" last night and she said it was really good.

She also had a 'celebrity siting' down by the World Trade Center! She spotted:

This is Russell Simmons for those of us who aren't completely celebrity-savvy. Not quite on a par with standing thisclose to Helen Mirren, but still...


Sue said...

when did ahe go?? dominic just got back!

Laurie said...

she was there for the weekend (this last one) I have to pick her up at the airport at 11:00 PM tonight. Ick, cuz it is freezing!

Meg said...

Who doesn't watch Run's House. I'm very jealous Peeps!

Unknown said...

Thanks for defending me Megs! I'm no celebrity slouch. & Katie don't take it out on me just b/c you've seen no one & I saw a celeb in my 1st 24 hours. Oh, and in true Pia form I also ran into a woman I know from church on the plane and twice while walking around NYC.

Laurie said...

Rotch, you take the cake for knowing the most people worldwide!