Pia is complaining because I am not blogging, so here is my list of things I love about Christmas:
- Christmas Music. The BEST thing about cable is having the music channel that plays Christmas music 24/7. And my favorite music? I'm a little bit schitzo; I enjoy just about everything from medieval chants to Bruce Springsteen's version of Santa Claus is Coming to Town. I have even been known to sing along to "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer".
My fave holiday movies: "It's a Wonderful Life" and "White Christmas". I know everyone loves "A Christmas Story" and I like it too (how can you not love Ralphie and 'fragil-ey') but these two are my absolute faves and I watch them every year. And I get a tear in the eye when Harry Bailey says, "To my brother George, the richest man in town".
Having my babies come home for Christmas! Only 8 days till Car-Car and Tonsy come home! You cannot know how happy I am to have my far away babies coming home for a visit.
Hand knit Christmas stockings. Totally Xmas-y!
Wishing I had really cheesy lawn ornaments. I long for the giant snow globe, the nodding reindeer, the millions of lights. And what do I have? The single Charlie Brown string of lights, that has been up since last year and we still haven't managed to plug in.
Peppermint Bark. And sugar cookies with sprinkles and/or frosting, preferably decorated by little kids who love the whole process and lay on the frosting and decorations with gusto.
The very best thing? Watching little kids on Christmas morning, when they first dash into the living room and see that Santa has been there! I have so many great memories of my kids, the boys, and of course from my own childhood (the best was the year B-Z and I got a dollhouse AND a Barbie dream car. We screamed and hugged)
I can't tell you how happy this post made me. I was just saying the other day how much I love seeing little kids when see their presents in the morning. There is just nothing better. Plus I have had a really shitty week at work and I can't wait to come home and see everyone!!
we are SOOOOO excited you are coming. We may not ever let you leave!
Aww, good post Mom! I love everything about Christmas too... you picked the best movies ever too! I have to agree, White Christmas is the best. And Car, we are sooooo excited to have you home!!! Stay FOREVER!
when are YOU going to blog something! I'm bored reading the same old thing.
Ditto to mom, Katie get blogging. I love your list, plus it has built in stocking stuffer ideas (huge bonus)! I can't wait to share Christmas with all of my siblings, it has been way too long. It's making me antsy for the time when we all live on the same side of the country again.
Oh, and I think I need to do a new Benin blog on Christmas and thankfulness. So check out the site in a couple of days.
I have to tell you the way the last week has gone I may stay forever as well!!! I can't wait to just hang out with everyone and just relax and visit.
I have to tell you the way the last week has gone I may stay forever as well!!! I can't wait to just hang out with everyone and just relax and visit.
Car-parts, we have an extra room:). And I loved the post as well. My favorite part (the part that made me LOL) was picturing two little unkempt chub-debs hugging and high fiving over a barbie car!
oh yes, we SCREAMED with joy. It was a great moment for Beetsie and Braid (which I just remembered, I used to make up stories about B & B for my little sissie) And I was the only chub-deb, that beyotch was always skinny!
OH! I remeber Beetsie and Braid! Wow! that was a while back!
does this mean we are getting "old timers"? When we remember really old stuff???
I'm pretty sure we are. Rats.
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