thank jebus Squinty Squinterson is off Project Runway! Everything he designed was fug.
Since little Tater is not currently competing, I am totes on either Team Rami or Team Kevin. And I like that crazy girl Elisa, she is cwazy.
And I keep hoping Christian will meet a grizly end involving pinking shears and his lady bits, but so far he has escaped...
I loved Squinty Squinterson's remarks! And Elise is TOO WEIRD - she needs to go next - or Christian - Mr. Stuck-in-the-80s - I agree with you about the other guys though - now that Jack is gone . . .
so sad about Jack, but I am glad chubsy wubsy Chris came back, hart the costume designer!
I'm all about Christian getting kicked off! Too bad he's got immunity for the next round. I heart Jack too, but I'm in total agreement with mom's designer choices. Plus, if Kevin won, it would be awesome because he's a straight guy who actually watches sports...
I can't believe Mango, er, Christian won this week.
Click here for DavidDust's Project Runway recap.
we pretty much all despise Christian but I have to admit his design was decent. It looked cute on the model.
i've been meaning to comment for ages... damn work and their web-blocker! :) I HATED Squinty! I am Sooo glad he's finally auf'd! I'm all about Rami right now... Basically anyone except Victoria who's evil
oh yeah we don't like her either. She was so mean!
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