I'm missing Loggity's first birthday party,
but I'm sure everyone is having a swell time. This little precious pup is 1 year old, and she's as cute as a button.
Hope you get all the pretty princess (or Transformers) stuff your little heart desires, Loggie! We love you!
Happy Birthday cute girl! A fun time was had by all, especially the birthday girl! :)
yeah! hope we get to see some piccies. and hope you delivered the RICE
the rice was delivered - we are thrilled! party was cute - all of a sudden - toys never played with were the heart's desire when hads and mads showed interest - loggity could not crawl over fast enough (and she's fast even in a dress!) to throw them just out of the girls reach . . .
and that's how it all starts....good job protecting your territory Loggie! and you got to see Mads? I'm jealous!
Happy birthday to you. You live in a shoe...
Sorry I missed the festivities (and the Mads sighting), but hope to see everyone very, very soon (like later this month)!
I wish I would have seen Logie being the toy hoarder...I was too late. Heard it was hilarious! She moves around quick with her "left-sided stroke" baby crawl...all due to her fancy party dress of course. She was adorable, didn't cry once...and it was her party, so she could if she wanted to. Way to go Tough Nut Scrump!!! What the hell is RICE?
We have been on the search for Farmhouse Herb and Butter rice mix FOREVER - and no one in the Seattle Metro area has it - but Spokane does - so DoDo found me some!
or in nurse talk, it's Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation lol. I know that is what you were thinking Megs!
Lowdie, it's like you're in my head.
don't you know it goes hand-in-hand with WHALE??? What does that mean again???
"We have a litte emergency." No joke!
ok that is retarded.
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