UFO = Unfinished Object. Of which I have plenty right now.
- My Sirdal cardigan, because I ran out of yarn 3/4 of the way through the 2nd sleeve. I have purchased 2 different colors of red, and neither of them is an exact match. I may just finish it anyway and have 1/4 unmatching sleeve.
- "Duck Soup" baby cardigan. I intended to give this to Katie's friend Allison as a baby gift but didn't get it finished in time. All it needs are the toggle closures and some buttons. And a tiny baby.
- Mittens from a 1911 pattern book. I'm trying to adapt/update the pattern but am stuck at the top shaping. Knitters in 1911 evidently were ok with wonky instructions.
- A 'fascinator' (a lacy head scarf) from a 19th century pattern book. Again I am trying to update the pattern, but not sure I love the design.
- At least 4 pairs of socks with one sock done or nearly done. Second Sock Syndrome is alive and well.
- "Quincy" hat, which is nearly done. But the next step involves twisting the strip of yarn and I get confused every time I twist, not sure exactly HOW it's supposed to twist.
- And one that isn't in the picture: "Nimbus" short sleeve cardigan that just needs to be sewn together.
how can you be OUT of dpns????
just the size I needed (and I'm sure I'm not OUT really) Plus I keep breaking my #1 Brittany wooden needles. Guess my grip of steel will require metal dps.
I got the knit picks metal ones - really like them
You know you need to finish the baby cardi by the 8th right??? cuz i'm gonna give it to Bethany... :)
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