I may have posted this picture already, but it bears a repeat showing bc I love it so much.
Here's our happy family in 1958 at Tata and Baba's house (the world's BEST house, I loved that place like you wouldn't believe).
Dad (handsome devil) and Mom (love her bullet bra!) in the back row. Front row left to right:
Judy (always Miss Priss), Susan (I think she still has her super-long braid in this pic, and she looks JUST like Peter), Lavs (I'm wearing the EXACT SAME PANTS at this very moment and look just as scrappy), Ray (little man in his tee shirt and slacks plus belt), B-Z (OMG I heart her Little Lotta ankles and shoes plus fudgies!), and Joey-Love (scrappy version of Raymond).
SO so cute.
and i too love the B's chub-deb ankles...
oh so true...and nothing has changed much. I love that pic too, what a fun week down memory lane.
love that pic - hated ironing the "Paris Points" bras from Wiggity
Very cute. I wish I could get a close up of Zaide for a side by side comparison of Mads.
oh Lis, trust me, there is no comparison. Funny how that works, while Kip and I look alot alike, and Kip and Maddie are twins, Maddie and I don't look alike. Follow???
what are you talking about Zaide???!!! She is the spitting image of you!
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