Katie and I went to Walmart (I KNOW. Don't hate.) yesterday to pick up a prescription. Turned into quite the ordeal as we waited for hours for her prescrip. to be ready. Here I am posing with "Deluxe Microfiber Plush" Snuggies. Damn, why didn't they have these babies at Xmas? And Katie is somewhat patiently waiting in line at the pharmacy. Note her 'patented head tilt' pose. Every picture we have of Katie has either the left or right head tilt. Saucy!

Unfortch, we weren't fast enough with the camera to take pix of the most outstanding "People of Walmart" candidates EVER. Kid with shaved head on top, long mullet below with ponytailed dad and matching camo outfits. Plus another ponytailed dad with his scruffy kids (including the toddler wearing footie pjs, for about the 8th day in a row by the looks of them). Good Times, Good Times.
wow i took a terrible picture. oops. now i won't make fun of you for your cell phone pics anymore.
and i love the head tilt, i just can't help it! lol
yes, note that was not ME who took the out of focus picture!
Katie, just because I'm not home doesn't mean you get to steal my sweatshirts. Wear one of your 10,000! Love the head tilt and the blurry snuggy pic.
PLEASE do not get your rx's or anything else at Walmart, they are hateful and ruining our country (okay that might be a bit melodramatic)
i'd say the only reason to get your rx at walmart is to people watch. next time have the camera ready!
totally agree with the B - and not a BIT melodramatic. What's the matter with you people??? HATE
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