Now that Katie has downloaded a zillion songs (including all the fab Indigo Girls cds I got from Cara for Xmas), shown me how to use it, and even figured out you have to really shove the ear-bud connector in to make the headphones work, I can use my lovely new Ipod Nano! I went for a walk through the park today, and was able to listen to something besides my thoughts. Yay for the Ipod! thanks P, I love it!
Please remove this post...all my mom has wanted for years now is a downloaded iPod. But she would never be able to use the earbuds...she still does yardwork listening to headphones that Madonna made popular in '84...and that easily weigh 62lbs.
hahaha not removing. Get my beloved baby sister the Ipod. And teach her how to use it (then teach her again x infinity). Or better yet, have St. Ryan teach her.
Just let her use her ridiculous walkman earphones. Glad you are loving your iPod mom. And if your earbuds aren't working, you can always get new ones. And as for your music, for the record, I added all your Indigo Girl CDs, not Katie. Although, you'll never need another bit of music with all the stuff Katie gave you! Nice job sister.
That is the best gift ever. Itunes is SO confusing. I seriously have had an ipod for 5 years and my friend Mike loaded it the first time and Megan P the second.
the horrible reality is I let the boys listen today and all of them (even 4 yo Mikey) figured it out immediately. Hell to be old.
i seriously think the ipod is the greatest thing ever invented. i often wonder how i ever lived without it!!
maybe not better than indoor plumbing, but def. right up there w great ideas!
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