Seems we have a split household here. Katie abhors the turtleneck (or any item of clothing that touches her throat). I would wear one any day (and in fact am wearing a pink mock turtle right this minute, mostly to horrify Katie).
Take the poll, what's your stand?
Nothing touches this neck. I FuurEAK out if people touch my neck. But then again, I do always zip my coats all the way up... I guess I am just a freak all the way around.
yep, totally hate. but i actually kinda like the sweater in your picture... ;)
absolutely 4 the tneck, remember dickies, bring em back!!!
this question is dividing down generational lines. Apparently, you young chicks are squeamish about having your necks touched!
i would never wear one, but they work for some people!
i am with the "no turtlenecks" department - caaack!
I hate the turtle neck, too confining. I don't mind a cowl neck sweater, but anything that is enveloping my neck which isn't a necklace or scarf is out... Plus it's totally a Gloria Lund look so out until I'm in my 60's at least.
LOVE turtlenecks...noone wears mock necks...throw it in the trash LAVS! Geeze. And Lis, you are a freak because I don't think I've even seen your neck..ever. Just figured you always had a hicky or something.
MOM...DICKIES! You and Lavs may not shop together!
B: plan major shopping trip with me to the nearest "Dickies & Mock T's R US" immediately.
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