In no particular order:

Cara and I visited Katie's office, where she was dolled up as a member of "The Biohazards" 80s rock band. She was rockin' the look!

Our little family of pumpkins. I also like my 'cynical' pumpkin over there on the left. He has that 'who gives a shit' look on his face.
RJ handling the knife with ease (he had all the 'special pumpkin carving tools' stashed in his bedroom, so they wouldn't get lost before the big event. Thanks RJ!)

RJ handling the knife with ease (he had all the 'special pumpkin carving tools' stashed in his bedroom, so they wouldn't get lost before the big event. Thanks RJ!)

Katie is carving her fancy ghost pumpkin. Mikey stifles a yawn, he wants to see some blood and gore. Be a sport, Katie, and let that knife slip.

Here's a Lavs special carving job for Mikey. I don't get fancy, just your basic triangles and a tooth.
i'm glad you got a pic of the puking pumpkin masterpiece... it turned out pretty awesome i think. even if the boys weren't all that impressed for some reason. :)
love the pouting lip. no more pics of me please...i think i look fat!
You do not look fat, you look great!
Cara - STFU. :)
Seriously Cara! No fat comments from you! You look awesome.
STFU-New one to me but i figured it out. hilarious. they boys weren't impressed with the puking pumpkin? Crazy.
Kate, I really think you should reconsider career choices and head to Hollywood. You are totally the cutest little punk chick I've ever seen.
I just figured it out too! Totes should have known that one.
STFU is pretty good, very useful. and thanks Meg. but no thanks. i'll stick to h'ween
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