Lorraine sent me some cute pictures of the gang doing their various boy things:

They are avid fishermen and caught a mess o' trout last weekend. Mikey is giving the whole thing 2 thumbs down, because he discovered the worms were meant for bait, not pets. He spent the whole time doing worm rescue.

Excellent Big Brother RJ walks Mikey back up the 'big hill' when his little legs couldn't quite make it up on the bike.
And here's Batman himself on his super fancy bike
Such a group of tough nuts. Love Mikey's serious, little rascal face...him and Hadley have got to meet! And how cute is big bruddy walking little bruddy down the hill...in the words of the 'nottis', PRESH.
exactly, even SUPER PRESH. He and Hads would probably have lots of fun together, but I'm saving him for the tiny cousins Mads and Loggie, bc Hadley already towers over our little peanut. And they totally are the TNS group!
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