Those in Virginia may receive between 20-30 inches of snow in what has quickly become the greatest snow storm in recent history.
Poor Cara! They have been without power for 24 hours, with no end in sight. What's going on in VA??? Here in Spokane, we have had NO snow to speak of.
Come home, baby! It's warm here!
we FINALLY got power back an hour ago. People here are soooo not prepared for this kind of weather!
oh yay, glad to hear you got power back!!! just in time for the Super Bowl :)
send some of that snow thisa away, no cross country yet....
Hi all,
just had to share a recipe I tried the other night and thought delicious. It is from a recent People, maybe the one with stupid Hdidi Montag on it. It is Alison Sweeneys (B.L. host) favorite, so probably pretty low in fat and calories.
start with a chicken breast, put on broiling pan, drizzle with olive oil, top with lemon slices (I added s&p and garlic) Broil for 4 to 5 minutes. Turn over, squeeze rest of lemon juice on other side broil 4-5 min.
The recipe says to blanch green beans, but I like them roasted, so I to a cookie sheet, added olive oil, s&p and garlic, put fresh beans on top and roast at 425 for about 8 min)
While those are cooking dice tomato and avacado, throw in bowl. Add feta cheese. Cube chicken and add warm beans. Drizzle in some olive oil and mix. DELICIOUS, the marrying of the lemon, avacado and feta is to die for (or at least I think so)
bon appetit!
yum! Hate stupid totes plastic Heidi Montag, but the recipe sounds great. Tho I'd normally wrinkle my nose at avocado and feta, somehow that lemon action will make it tasty, I know!
you gotta do all the flavors.
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