Our family (the fabulous Sundstroms) has always called getting your hair cut at home "the rough tough beauty parlor", for obvious reasons if you've ever had a relative cut your hair. Katie & I were bored today, so she gave me the RTBP treatment with a new color (red!) and cut.
I always want a haircut that I completely cannot pull off, due to 1. my total spazziness with any sort or hair product or appliance, and 2. my curly-ish hair. I asked for "Ellen's haircut", but was immediately shot down. I ended up with what actually WORKS for my hair, short and with some mousse in it to amp up the curls. Pretty cute I say! Well, the haircut is cute, not so sure about me...

BTW, I was totally reminded of us girls getting our haircut (back in the 60s) at "The Cinderella Salon of Beauty", owned by the fabulous MR. ANTHONY. Ever since then, anyone who cuts my hair automatically becomes "Mr." So thanks, Mr. Katie!